Friday 31 October 2014

Scariest Video Game Characters

In celebration of the only day of the year when I appear to be remotely normal, here is a list of the top ten scariest video game characters ever.

10. Draugr - Skyrim

Initially Skyrim's Draugr don't seem like such a bad enemy - just your average undead tomb-protecting warriors really. However, with Skyrim being as addictive as it is, it's often played well into the early hours of the morning. When it's dark. And quiet. And you've been staring at a monitor/tv for several hours and you can't quite think straight. Then you find yourself deep into one of Skyrim's many large underground crypts, you're tired, you're running low on health potions, you're desperate to find the exit, and then you turn a corner and run straight into a couple of Draugr, a Draugr Wight and his friend the Deathlord. As someone who's been through this experience a few times, let me tell you that it definitely isn't a pleasant one.

9. Witch - Left 4 Dead 

 You're moving along looking for the next group of zombies to kill when you hear crying. It sounds like a young woman, maybe only a teenage girl, so you seek out the source, happy that you've found another survivor. You find her crouched alone in the dark and so you approach her to talk to her and HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME?!
Without a doubt the creepiest and toughest mob that Left 4 Dead has to offer, after that first experience just the sound of a witch is enough to set you on edge, make you turn off your torch and move no more than 3 paces at a time until you can't hear her anymore.

8. Cherubs - Doom 3

As if Doom wasn't creepy enough already, they just had to throw half-baby half-insect freaks from hell into the mix. And then of course you don't really want to kill it because however monumentally screwed up it is, you're killing a baby.

7. Banshees - Mass Effect

Anyone who tells you that they didn't scream like a little girl the first time they were grabbed by a banshee is lying. They look like they've been ripped straight from your nightmares, they can teleport through walls and if you get too close to one then she'll put an arm through your chest, lick your face and then drop you in a heap on the floor. Lovely.

6. Necromorphs - Dead Space

They look nothing short of grotesque, they're fast and their sole purpose is to kill everyone. What makes these things incredibly creepy is that the usual tactic of shooting them in the head won't work, dismemberment is the only way to stop them. Playing Dead Space alone in the dark isn't advisable. 

5. The Gatherers - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia: The Dark Descent's main mobs will chase you on sight while you walk through Brennenburg Castle, the game's main setting. Unfortunately for you this is an exploration game and you don't have any weapons, so your only option is to outrun them. On top of that, looking at The Gatherers can cause the protagonist to go insane. Which is understandable because they make me want to throw up a little bit.

4. Poison Headcrab - Half Life 2

Head-hugging crabs that leave you with so little health that anything can kill you. These little cretins are so creepy that even the testers were scared of them, and rightfully so.

3. Iron Maiden - Resident Evil 4

Awww, isn't it cute? Most people would probably go with Nemesis as the scariest enemy from Resident Evil, but there's just something about the Iron Maidens that Nemesis doesn't have. Mainly big spikes coming out of their flesh. It may be slow, but it's tough; cutting their limbs off will only result in them growing back, they'll impale you on those aforementioned spikes, and to top it off, they can absorb quite a few shots with no affect whatsoever.

(anyone else got The Trooper stuck in their head now?)

2. Pyramid Head - Silent Hill

No list of creepy video game characters would be complete without him. Words can't do him justice, so here's a video instead (The first few seconds are NSFW):

1. The Dog - Paperboy

If you don't think that this is a valid entry then you haven't suffered the agony of being chased by that STUPID F*%!ING DOG!

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